Physics, wrinkles of time and timeline
Here, the timeline corresponds to the subjective concept that we have seen in the beginning while discussing the theory of time. It is about a timeline of the philosophical nature but trying to situate it within its real dimension and making a possible approximation with the language of mathematical formulas from the relations with love in the generic or universal sense.
Space, time and love are the basic elements of life.
Time is the fourth dimension and of a different nature than the three spatial dimensions being that it makes up the concept of life in the broad sense by being added together with the love for any one of them. I am lost and I do not know where, it must be I am on the right track.
Speaking of poetic licenses and poetry time…
Space and time could be observed as abstract concepts or mental constructions and, in turn, the mind as a construction of love or the final reality.
Love is that desire or feeling of life while traveling together in space and time.
From the Equation for Love it comes about that, when the distance in space is zero or time is infinite, Love is infinite. Seen in reverse, when Love is infinite, then life is eternal.
I believe that love affects subjective time and makes wrinkles in personal timeline, or better said, its speed, or with even more precision, the changes in its speed or acceleration; this is not new in History since Albert Einstein had declared it in order to explain its concept of relativity and relativistic time in Modern Physics. The difference is that it seems that he said it as a metaphor, and I think of it as a reality. I do not see love in any of his equations!
Going back to the prose of science…
We have all noticed the effect of love on the timeline wrinkles, even children have noticed it, or perhaps they notice it with greater intensity. In my opinion, they are not changes in the perception of absolute time but rather real variations or wrinkles of time or of subjective time that make up the personal timeline.
Let’s take a look at some examples that I believe show real and subjective variations of the speed of time and, therefore, the definition of proper timeline:
Children are somewhat accelerated in relation to s, or in other words, their time goes much slower, or their timeline is more curved. To a greater or lesser extent, we all feel that time passes us by more and more quickly and, at simultaneously, we are more at ease with it. As children, occasionally time seems to last almost an eternity.I am referring to something that we feel but that we do not manage to comprehend logically because it is one of the mysteries of life, although we are getting closer little by little.
- Sports
At times, while playing tennis or a similar sport, it seems as if the player will not get to the ball, but, suddenly, it is as if time stopped and miraculously the person manages to return the ball.
In this case, the spectators have also perceived something, they do not know very well what, but they ponder: “I thought for sure he wouldn’t get it in the nick of time”; moreover, it is not about the fact that they do not know the player because they repeat the praise every occasion. This example is contrary to that which was mentioned previously, the physical activity does not create a reduced perception of time but the complete opposite.
The explanation for the player’s situation should consist in that, by means of the change of his subjective time or of his timeline, he will obtain a much greater perspective of each movement of the ball as well as of his own muscles, which makes it so that the player optimizes all of them in an improbable way for a normal process.
Another element to comment on is that the change in speed of the subjective time or wrinkle in time is accompanied by the unconscious taking control of the movements; the player’s consciousness is, to put it another way, like an observer outside from himself with a reduced power, given that the greater part of it is being directly used by automatic mechanisms.
The spectators’ ruminations is due to the same reason of improbability and that in their opinion the process has been normal, given that they have not experienced the variation of the subjective time or timeline of the player. That is, objective time is the same and it is an absolute concept by design.
The figure shows with the timelines how the absolute time or objective time is the same for everyone at all times and, on the contrary, the wrinkles of time or how the individual temporal scale is different. It is as if the subjective time were made up of folds throughout the objective or absolute time. What I want to say is that it is not possible to stretch or make the player’s line straight and thereby placing him in the future of the hit.
A glass falls to the floor
When a glass suddenly moves and begins to fall to the floor, it changes our concentration, our perception of the outside world, it seems that there is only one object moving in the air, we can observe how it moves, as if it were a slow motion movie, it is a beautiful thing! With luck, we can manage to stand up and avoid it breaking. And this, not like in the other example, is called glass love!It can be said that our life rhythm has been altered, our perception has been accelerated by the unit of time, time has been stopped or the timeline has been curved; actually, although it is not always equal, they are similar ways of saying the same thing.
Another way of explaining what happens with concepts of General Physics is to imagine that we are driving a car at 100 km per hour, if we want to focus more on the houses or the trees that are on the side of the road, we can do it by going slower, that is, reducing the speed (space multiplied by unit of time), or increasing the speed of time (time multiplied by the unit of space), given that this last concept is the inverse of normal speed.
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