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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Don't miss even a single word... Too good

Don't miss even a single word... Too good

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science has with God, The Almighty.
He asks one of his new students to stand and.....

So you believe in God?
Absolutely, sir.
: Is God good?
Is God all-powerful?
: Yes.
My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him.
Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm?
(Student is silent.)
You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella. Is God good?
Is Satan good?
: No.
Where does Satan come from?
From...God.. ..
That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct?
So who created evil?
(Student does not answer.)
Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Yes, sir.
So, who created them?
(Student has no answer.)
Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you.
Tell me, son...Have you ever
seen God?
No, sir.
Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
No, sir.
Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Yet you still believe in Him?
According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your GOD doesn't exist.
What do you say to that, son?
Nothing. I only have my faith.
Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.
Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
And is there such a thing as cold?
No sir. There isn't.
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)
: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat.
But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that.
There is no such thing as cold . Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat . We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy . Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it .(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)
What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Yes.. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student :
You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright
light, flashing light....But if
you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? In
reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be able to make
darkness darker, wouldn't you?
So what is the point you are making, young man?
Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Flawed? Can you explain how?
Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one.To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it.
Now tell me, Professor.Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument is going.)
Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher? (The class is in uproar.)
Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?
(The class breaks out into laughter.)
: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain,sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face unfathomable. )
I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
That is it sir.... The link between man & god is FAITH . That is all that keeps things moving & alive.

NB: I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. ..and if'll probably want your friends/colleagues to enjoy the same...won't you?....
this is a true story, and the

student was none other than......... .

Monday, July 6, 2009

zero gravety video

the hero is in real...

the hero is in real...

u can watch this real spiderman on this link below
can u belive it...

"Peter Parker" redirects here. For other uses, see Peter Parker (disambiguation).
This article is about the superhero. For other uses, see Spider-Man (disambiguation).

Spider-Man is a fictional Marvel Comics superhero. The character first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962), and was created by scripter-editor Stan Lee and artist-plotter Steve Ditko. Lee and Ditko conceived of the character as an orphan being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben as an ordinary teenager, having to deal with the normal struggles of youth in addition to those of a costumed crime fighter. Spider-Man's creators gave him the ability to cling to walls, shoot spider-webs using an invention he had created, and react to danger quickly with his "spider-sense," enabling him to combat his many foes, including Doctor Octopus, the Sandman, the Lizard, the Green Goblin, and Venom.

When Spider-Man first appeared in the early 1960s, teenagers in superhero comic books were usually relegated to the role of sidekick to the protagonist. The Spider-Man series broke ground by featuring Peter Parker, a teenage high school student to whose "self-obsessions with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness" young readers could relate.[1]:210 Unlike previous teen heroes such as Bucky and Robin, Spider-Man did not benefit from adult mentors like Captain America and Batman and had to learn for himself that "with great power comes great responsibility" — a line included in a text box in the final panel of the first Spider-Man story, but later retroactively attributed to his guardian, Uncle Ben.

Marvel has featured Spider-Man in several comic book series, the first titled The Amazing Spider-Man. Over the years, the Peter Parker character has developed from shy high school student to troubled college student to a married teacher and a member of the superhero team the New Avengers. In the comics, Spider-Man is often referred to as "Spidey", "web-slinger", "wall-crawler", or "web-head".

Spider-Man is one of the most popular and commercially successful superheroes. As Marvel's flagship character and company mascot, he has appeared in many forms of media, including several animated and live-action television series, syndicated newspaper comic strips and a successful series of films starring actor Tobey Maguire as the friendly neighborhood hero. Spider-Man was named Empire magazine's fifth greatest comic book character

In 1962, with the success of the Fantastic Four, Marvel Comics editor and head writer Stan Lee was casting about for a new superhero idea. He said that the idea for Spider-Man arose from a surge in teenage demand for comic books, and the desire to create a character with whom teens could identify.[3]:1 In his autobiography, Lee cites the non-superhuman pulp magazine crime fighter The Spider as a great influence,[4]:130 and in a multitude of print and video interviews Lee stated he was further inspired by seeing a spider climb up a wall—adding in his autobiography that he has told that story so often he has become unsure of whether or not this is true.[note 1] Looking back on the creation of Spider-Man, Tom DeFalco stated he did not believe that Spider-Man would have been given a chance in today's comics world, where new characters are vetted with test audiences and marketers.[3]:9 At that time, however, Lee had to get only the consent of Marvel publisher Martin Goodman for the character's approval.[3]:9 In a 1986 interview, Lee described in detail his arguments to overcome Goodman's objections.[note 2] Goodman eventually agreed to let Lee try out Spider-Man in the upcoming final issue of the canceled science-fiction and supernatural anthology series Amazing Adult Fantasy, which was renamed Amazing Fantasy for that single issue, #15 (August 1962).[5]:95

Comics historian Greg Theakston says that Lee, after receiving Goodman's approval for the name Spider-Man and the "ordinary teen" concept, approached artist Jack Kirby. Kirby told Lee about an unpublished character on which he collaborated with Joe Simon in the 1950s, in which an orphaned boy living with an old couple finds a magic ring that gives him superpowers. Lee and Kirby "immediately sat down for a story conference" and Lee afterward directed Kirby to flesh out the character and draw some pages. Steve Ditko would be the inker.[note 3] When Kirby showed Lee the first six pages, Lee recalled, "I hated the way he was doing it. Not that he did it badly — it just wasn't the character I wanted; it was too heroic."[6]:12 Lee turned to Ditko, who developed a visual style Lee found satisfactory. Ditko recalled,

One of the first things I did was to work up a costume. A vital, visual part of the character. I had to know how he looked ... before I did any breakdowns. For example: A clinging power so he wouldn't have hard shoes or boots, a hidden wrist-shooter versus a web gun and holster, etc. ... I wasn't sure Stan would like the idea of covering the character's face but I did it because it hid an obviously boyish face. It would also add mystery to the character...[7]

Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962). Cover art by Jack Kirby (penciller) & Steve Ditko (inker).

In an early recollection of the character's creation, Ditko described his and Lee's contributions in a mail interview with Gary Martin published in Comic Fan #2 (Summer 1965): "Stan Lee thought the name up. I did costume, web gimmick on wrist & spider signal."[8] At the time, Ditko shared a Manhattan studio with noted fetish artist Eric Stanton, an art-school classmate who, in a 1988 interview with Theakston, recalled that although his contribution to Spider-Man was "almost nil," he and Ditko had "worked on storyboards together and I added a few ideas. But the whole thing was created by Steve on his own... I think I added the business about the webs coming out of his hands".[6]:14

Kirby disputes Lee's version of the story, and claimed Lee had minimal involvement in the character's creation. According to Kirby, the idea for Spider-Man had originated with Kirby and Joe Simon, who in the 1950s had developed a character called The Silver Spider for the Crestwood comic Black Magic, who was subsequently not used.[note 4] Simon, in his 1990 autobiography, disputes Kirby's account, asserting that Black Magic was not a factor, and that he (Simon) devised the name "Spider-Man" (later changed to "The Silver Spider"), while Kirby outlined the character's story and powers. Simon later elaborated that his and Kirby's character conception became the basis for Simon's Archie Comics superhero The Fly. Artist Steve Ditko stated that Lee liked the name Hawkman from DC Comics, and that "Spider-Man" was an outgrowth of that interest.[7] The hyphen was included in the character's name to avoid confusion with DC Comics' Superman.[9]

Simon concurs that Kirby had shown the original Spider-Man version to Lee, who liked the idea and assigned Kirby to draw sample pages of the new character but disliked the results—in Simon's description, "Captain America with cobwebs."[note 5] Writer Mark Evanier notes that Lee's reasoning that Kirby's character was too heroic seems unlikely—Kirby still drew the covers for the first issues of Spider-Man. Likewise, Kirby's given reason that he was "too busy" to also draw Spider-Man in addition to his other duties seems false, as Kirby was, in Evanier's words, "always busy".[10]:127 Neither Lee's nor Kirby's explanation explains why key story elements like the magic ring were dropped; Evanier states that the most plausible explanation for the sudden change was that Goodman or one of his assistants decided that Spider-Man as drawn and envisioned by Kirby was too similar to The Fly.[10]:127

Blake Bell, author and Ditko scholar, writes that it was Ditko who noted the similarities to The Fly. Ditko recalls that "Stan called Jack about The Fly," adding that "[d]ays later, Stan told me I would be penciling the story panel breakdowns from Stan's synopsis." It was at this point that the nature of the strip changed. "Out went the magic ring, adult Spider-Man and whatever legend ideas that Spider-Man story would have contained." Lee gave Ditko the premise of a teenager bitten by a spider and developing powers, a premise Ditko would expand upon to the point he became what Bell describes as "the first work-for-hire artist of his generation to create and control the narrative arc of his series." On the issue of the initial creation, Ditko states "I still don't know whose idea was Spider-Man."[11] Kirby noted in a 1971 interview that it was Ditko who "got Spider-Man to roll, and the thing caught on because of what he did."[12] Stan Lee, while claiming credit for the initial idea, acknowledges Ditko's role, stating that "If Steve wants to be called co-creator, I think he deserves [it]".[13] Writer Al Nickerson believes "that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created the Spider-Man that we are familiar with today (but that) ultimately, Spider-Man came into existence, and prospered, through the efforts of not just one or two, but many, comic book creators."[14]
The Amazing Spider-Man #23 (April 1965), featuring the Green Goblin. Cover art by co-creator Steve Ditko.

[edit] Commercial success

A few months after Spider-Man's introduction in Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962), publisher Martin Goodman reviewed the sales figures for that issue, finding it to have been one of the nascent Marvel's highest-selling comics.[5]:97 A solo series followed, beginning with The Amazing Spider-Man #1 (March 1963). The title eventually became Marvel's top-selling series[1]:211 with the character swiftly becoming a cultural icon; a 1965 Esquire poll of college campuses found that college students ranked Spider-Man and fellow Marvel hero the Hulk alongside Bob Dylan and Che Guevara as their favorite revolutionary icons. One interviewee selected Spider-Man because he was "beset by woes, money problems, and the question of existence. In short, he is one of us."[1]:223 Following Ditko's departure after issue #38 (July 1966), John Romita, Sr. replaced him as artist, and would pencil the character over the next several years.

An early 1970s Spider-Man story led to the revision of the Comics Code. Previously, the Code forbade the depiction of the use of illegal drugs, even negatively. However, in 1970 the Nixon administration's Department of Health, Education, and Welfare asked Stan Lee to publish an anti-drug message in one of Marvel's top-selling titles.[1]:239 Lee chose the top-selling The Amazing Spider-Man; issues #96–98 (May–July 1971) feature a story arc depicting the negative effects of drug use. In the story, Peter Parker's friend Harry Osborn becomes addicted to pills. When Spider-Man fights the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, Harry's father), Spider-Man defeats the Green Goblin, by revealing Harry's drug addiction. While the story had a clear anti-drug message, the Comics Code Authority refused to issue its seal of approval. Marvel nevertheless published the three issues without the Comics Code Authority's approval or seal. The issues sold so well that the industry's self-censorship was undercut[1]:239 and the Code was subsequently revised.
The Amazing Spider-Man #96 (May 1971), the first of three non-Comics Code issues that prompted the Code's first update, allowing comics to show the negative effects of illegal-drug use. Note cover-blurb reference to "The last fatal trip!" Cover art by Gil Kane

In 1972, a second monthly ongoing series starring Spider-Man began: Marvel Team-Up, in which Spider-Man was paired with other superheroes and villains. In 1976, his second solo series, The Spectacular Spider-Man began, running parallel to the main series. A third series featuring Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, launched in 1985, replacing Marvel Team-Up. The launch of a fourth monthly title in 1990, written and drawn by popular artist Todd McFarlane, debuted with several different covers, all with the same interior content. The various versions combined sold over 3 million copies, an industry record at the time.[1]:279 There have generally been at least two ongoing Spider-Man series at any time. Several limited series, one-shots and loosely related comics have also been published, and Spider-Man makes frequent cameos and guest appearances in other comic series.

The original Amazing Spider-Man ran through issue #441 (November 1998). Writer-artist John Byrne then revamped the origin of Spider-Man in the 13-issue miniseries Spider-Man: Chapter One (December 1998 - October 1999, with an issue #0 midway through and some months containing two issues), similar to Byrne's adding details and some revisions to Superman's origin in DC Comics' The Man of Steel. Running concurrently, The Amazing Spider-Man was restarted with vol. 2, #1 (Jan, 1999). With what would have been vol. 2, #59, Marvel reintroduced the original numbering, starting with #500 (December 2003).

By the end of 2007, Spider-Man regularly appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man, New Avengers, Spider-Man Family and various limited series in mainstream Marvel Comics continuity, as well as in the alternate-universe series The Amazing Spider-Girl, the Ultimate Universe title Ultimate Spider-Man, the alternate-universe tween series Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, and the alternate-universe children's series Marvel Adventures Spider-Man and Marvel Adventures: The Avengers.

When primary series The Amazing Spider-Man reached issue #545 (December 2007), Marvel dropped its spin-off ongoing series and instead began publishing The Amazing Spider-Man three times monthly, beginning with #546-549 (each January 2008).

[edit] Fictional character biography
Main article: Fictional history of Spider-Man

In his first appearance, Peter Parker is introduced as an orphaned science whiz teenager living with his aunt and uncle in the Forest Hills section of New York City. He is a brilliant student but the subject of mockery by his peers who regard him as a bookworm, and perpetual victim of bullying by Flash Thompson, who would call him "Puny Parker" and humiliate him daily. One day he gets bitten by a radioactive spider during a science demonstration. As a result, he gains spider-like powers such as super-strength, the ability to climb walls, and a phenomenal jumping skill. Peter's own intelligence allows him to develop gadgets which fire adhesive webbing.
The fateful spider bite that gave Peter Parker his powers. Amazing Fantasy #15, art by Steve Ditko.

As Spider-Man, he becomes a successful TV star. One day at a studio he refuses to stop a thief, saying that it is the job of the police not that of a number one star. Minutes later his beloved guardian, Uncle Ben, is murdered and an angry Spider-Man sets off to capture the killer. When he does, he is horrified to find that the man is none other than the burglar he refused to subdue. Learning that with great power comes great responsibility, Spider-Man becomes a vigilante.[15]

After his uncle's death, Peter and his Aunt May become desperate for money, so he gets a job as a photographer at the Daily Bugle selling photos to J. Jonah Jameson, who vilifies Spider-Man in the paper.[16] As he battles his enemies for the first time, Parker finds juggling his personal life and costumed adventures difficult. In time, Peter graduates from high school,[17] and enrolls at Empire State University, where he meets roommate and best friend Harry Osborn and first girlfriend Gwen Stacy,[18] and Aunt May introduces him to Mary Jane Watson.[19] As Peter deals with Harry's drug problems, and Harry's father is revealed to be Spider-Man's nemesis the Green Goblin, Peter even attempts to give up his costumed identity.[20][21] In the course of his adventures Spider-Man has made a wide variety of friends and contacts within the superhero community, who often come to his aid when he faces problems that he cannot solve on his own.

Enemies frequently endanger his loved ones,[22] with the Green Goblin managing to cause the death of Gwen Stacy.[23] Though haunted by the death of Gwen, he begins to date Mary Jane Watson. Peter discovers what he thinks is a black version of his Spider-Man costume,[24] which turns out to be an alien symbiote; Peter is able to reject the symbiote after a difficult struggle,[25] though the symbiote returns several times as Venom for revenge. Peter eventually marries Mary Jane Watson.[26] In a controversial storyline, Peter becomes convinced that Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider (a clone of Peter created by his college professor Miles Warren) is the real Peter Parker, and that he, Peter, is the clone. Peter gives up the Spider-Man identity to Reilly for a time, until Reilly is killed by the returning Green Goblin and revealed to be the clone after all. In stories published in 2005 and 2006 (such as "The Other"), he develops additional spider-like abilities including biological web-shooters, toxic stingers that extend from his forearms, the ability to stick individuals to his back, enhanced Spider-sense and night vision, and increased strength and speed. Peter later becomes a member of the New Avengers, and reveals his civilian identity to the world,[27] furthering his already numerous problems. His marriage to Mary Jane and public unmasking are later erased due to a deal made with the demon Mephisto, resulting in several adjustments to the timeline, such as the resurrection of Harry Osborn and the return of Peter's mechanical web-shooters and loss of his additional spider-like abilities.[28] After months of the new status quo in the Marvel Universe where nobody but Peter himself knew the identity of Spider-Man, he unmasks to his teammates on the New Avengers at the request of Ronin, the team's new leader, in order to implicitly earn the team's trust.[29] Around this time he also unmasks for the Fantastic Four.[30]

[edit] Powers and equipment
Main article: Spider-Man's powers and equipment

A bite from a radioactive spider on a school field trip causes a variety of changes in the body of Peter Parker and giving him superpowers.[31] In the original Lee-Ditko stories, Spider-Man has the ability to cling to walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense ("spider-sense") that alerts him to danger, perfect balance and equilibrium, as well as superhuman speed and agility. Some of his comic series have him shooting webs from his wrists.[31] Brilliant, Parker excels in applied science, chemistry and physics. The character was originally conceived by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko as intellectually gifted, but not a genius. However, later writers have depicted the character as a genius.[32] With his talents, he sews his own costume to conceal his identity, and constructs many devices that complement his powers, most notably mechanical web-shooters.[31] (This mechanism ejects an advanced adhesive, releasing web-fluid in a variety of configurations, including a single rope-like strand to swing from, a net to bind enemies, a single strand for yanking opponents into objects, strands for whipping foreign objects at enemies, and a simple glob to foul machinery or blind an opponent. He can also weave the web material into simple forms like a shield, a spherical protection or hemispherical barrier, a club, or a hang-glider wing.) Other equipment include spider-tracers (spider-shaped adhesive homing beacons keyed to his own spider-sense), a light beacon which can either be used as a flashlight or project a "Spider-Signal" design, and a specially modified camera that can take pictures automatically.

[edit] Enemies
Main article: List of Spider-Man enemies

Writers and artists over many years have managed to establish an exciting and notable rogues gallery of villains to face Spider-Man.[note 6] The three most infamous and dangerous enemies as voted by fans are Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, both 1960s Lee-Ditko creations, and Venom, a later addition introduced in 1988.[33], [34], [35] Other characters include the Lizard, the Chameleon, the Hobgoblin, Kraven the Hunter, Carnage, the Scorpion, the Sandman, the Rhino, Mysterio, the Vulture, Electro, the Kingpin, Hydro-Man, the Shocker, and Morlun. As with Spider-Man, the majority of these villains' powers originate with scientific accidents or the misuse of scientific technology, and they tend to have animal-themed costumes or powers, and many have green costumes. At times these villains have formed groups such as the Sinister Six to oppose Spider-Man. It is revealed that Spider-Man has new enemies in New Avengers.

[edit] Supporting characters
Main article: Spider-Man supporting characters

Spider-Man was conceived as an ordinary person given great power, and the comics detail his civilian life, friends, family and romances as much as his super-heroic adventures. Peter was raised by his loving aunt, May Parker, and his uncle and father figure, Ben Parker (usually referred to simply as Aunt May and Uncle Ben), after his parents died. Uncle Ben is tragically murdered by a burglar that Peter had allowed to escape before. Peter believes that his uncle's death was morally his fault, and he decides to use his powers responsibly and become a super-hero.[15] After the murder of her husband, Aunt May is virtually Peter's only family, and she and Peter are very close.

Peter's first love interest is his college girlfriend Gwen Stacy, who is later tragically killed by the Green Goblin.[23] It is later revealed in the comics that she refused to give custody of her children to their biological father Norman Osborn, (the Goblin's true identity), with whom she had had an intimate relationship behind Peter's back.[36] Originally merely Gwen Stacy's competition, Mary Jane Watson (or, 'MJ') eventually became Peter's best friend and then became his wife.[26] Her marriage to Peter was later erased due to a deal made with Mephisto to save Aunt May's life.[28] Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, is a reformed cat burglar who was Spider-Man's girlfriend and partner at one point,[37] but rejected him when he revealed his identity to her, as she was only interested in his costumed persona. She eventually learned to love Peter on his own merit, but never on the level at which she loved Spider-Man.

Flash Thompson was originally Peter Parker's high school tormentor, and later one of his closest friends. Due to brain damage, he suffered amnesia and regressed to his bullying personality,[38] though he eventually recovered from this. Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn, was Peter's best friend in college, who eventually follows his father's footsteps and becomes the second Green Goblin,[39] ultimately resulting in Harry's death. He was resurrected due to the erasure of Peter's marriage to Mary Jane, and all related events, from history.

J. Jonah Jameson, the irascible publisher of the Daily Bugle newspaper, is Peter's first employer. While he employs Peter Parker as a photographer, he is also Spider-Man's greatest critic and largely responsible for public distrust of the hero. Joseph "Robbie" Robertson was the Editor-in-chief at the Daily Bugle, a moderating influence on Jameson, and a father figure to Peter after Uncle Ben's death. Betty Brant was the secretary at the Daily Bugle, and was once in love with Peter.

[edit] Cultural influence

According to Paul Kupperberg, author of The Creation of Spider-Man, Spider-Man's superpowers were "nothing too original"; what was original was that outside his secret identity, he was a "nerdy high school student."[40]:5 Going against typical superhero fare, Spider-Man included "heavy doses of soap-opera and elements of melodrama." Kupperberg feels that Lee and Ditko had created something new in the world of comics: "the flawed superhero with everyday problems." This idea spawned a "comics revolution."[40]:6 The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel's early 1960s comic books such as The Amazing Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public's perception of them.[41] Spider-Man has become one of the most recognizable fictional characters in the world, and has been used to sell toys, games, cereal, candy, soap, and many other products.[42]

Spider-Man has become Marvel's flagship character, and has often been used as the company mascot. When Marvel became the first comic book company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991, the Wall Street Journal announced "Spider-Man is coming to Wall Street"; the event was in turn promoted with an actor in a Spider-Man costume accompanying Stan Lee to the Stock Exchange.[1]:254 Since 1962, hundreds of millions of comics featuring the character have been sold around the world.[43]

On May 25, 1981, Memorial Day, high-rise firefighting and rescue advocate, Dan Goodwin, in an attempt to call to the world's attention the inability to rescue trapped people from the upper floors of skyscrapers, donned a homemade Spider-Man suit and scaled the then tallest building on the planet, Chicago's Sears Tower[44]. Five and a half months later, on November 7, 1981, again dressed as Spider-Man, Goodwin climbed the 56 story Renaissance Tower in Dallas, Texas. Goodwin stated the reason he climbed the Renaissance Tower was to keep a promise he made to a young boy, a Dallas resident and Spider-Man fan, who was stricken with Cystic Fibrosis.[45]

Four days later, on November 11, 1981, Veteran's Day, Dan Goodwin, wearing a custom designed Spider-Man wetsuit and for the purpose of calling attention to inadequacies in high-rise rescue, successfully scaled the John Hancock Center in Chicago[46]. On May 30, 1983, Memorial Day, Dan Goodwin, for the purpose of calling attention to the inability to rescue people trapped in the upper floors of skyscrapers (and wearing a 'disguised' Spider-Man suit so as to comply with a court order stemming from a suit filed by Marvel Comics), successfully scaled the North Tower of the World Trade Center[47].

When Marvel wanted to issue a story dealing with the immediate aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 attacks, the company settled on the December 2001 issue of The Amazing Spider-Man.[48] In 2006, Spider-Man garnered major media coverage with the revelation of the character's secret identity,[49] an event detailed in a full page story in the New York Post before the issue containing the story was even released.[50]

In 2008, Marvel announced plans to release a series of educational comics the following year in partnership with the United Nations, depicting Spider-Man alongside UN Peacekeeping Forces to highlight UN peacekeeping missions.[51] A BusinessWeek article listed Spider-Man as one of the top ten most intelligent fictional characters in American comics.[52]

[edit] In other media
Main article: Spider-Man in other media
Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man and Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin in Spider-Man (2002).

Spider-Man has appeared in comics, cartoons, movies, coloring books, novels, records, and children's books.[42] On television, he appeared as the main character in the animated series Spider-Man which aired from 1967–1970 on ABC,[53] the live-action series The Amazing Spider-Man (1978-1979), starring Nicholas Hammond, the syndicated cartoon series Spider-Man (1981-1982), Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981-1983), Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994-1998), Spider-Man Unlimited (1999-2000), Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003) and The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008-present).

Spider-Man also appeared in other print forms besides the comics, including novels, children's books, and his own daily newspaper The Amazing Spider-Man comic strip which debuted in January 1977, with the earliest installments written by Stan Lee and drawn by John Romita, Sr.[54] Spider-Man has been adapted to other media including games, toys, collectibles, and miscellaneous memorabilia, and has appeared as the main character in numerous computer and video games on over 15 gaming platforms. Spider-Man was also the subject of a series of films directed by Sam Raimi and starring actor Tobey Maguire as the web-slinger. The original Spider-Man film was released on May 3, 2002, its first sequel, Spider-Man 2, premiered on June 30, 2004, and the next sequel, Spider-Man 3, premiered on May 4, 2007. Spider-Man 4 is currently expected to be released on May 6, 2011.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Universal Gravitational constant, Rydberg constant and Planck constant

The Universal Gravitational constant, Rydberg constant and Planck constant

The riddle of the enigma gravity of love is one of those strange riddles that, after offering the result of the formula that it represents no one seems to be convinced. And that the only thing that must be done to solve this basic physics problem is to multiply the speed of light *c* by the Planck constant *h*, times the Rydberg constant *R* and times one Molwick, knowing that one Molwick is equal to the speed of light *c* times the Universal Gravitational constant of Newton *G*.


Riddle of the enigma gravity of love and gravitational constant

Among the most surprising comments about the riddle of the enigma gravity of love from science experts (Physics, Chemistry, Telecommunication), it is worth highlighting the following:

  • It is a coincidence.

    It could be, but that would be like a proton winning the lottery, not just the first prize but the whole entire universe, since the quantities involved in the physics constants (including the Universal Gravitational constant) exceed the number of existing protons in the whole of the universe. According to non serious quantum estimates, it would be a quantity of the order of 1080 - also rather metaphysical without a doubt.

  • The result of the riddle is not exact because it does not match with gravity acceleration *g* on the Earth’s surface.

    Of course a slight quantum slip up, since it is common knowledge that gravity acceleration on the earth’s surface is variable according to the radius, the composition of the earth and the altitude due to the effect of the centrifugal force of the Earth’s spin.

  • Decimals of the physics constants of the formula that support the riddle of the enigma gravity of love should be verified.

    A similar problem has been contended in the new and much simpler explanation for the precession of the orbit of the planet Mercury, which tells me that the value that I had used for the sun’s mass could be wrong because I had not used the official charts, despite the fact that I use the same value as as Einstein when explaining the same precession stretching time and space.

    In the case of the riddle of the enigma gravity of love, I would actually say that it is the opposite in that the knowledge of this physics formula of the long-sought after unification can be useful for accurately calibrating the decimals of the physics constants that intervene in it.

  • There are problems with the dimensions.

    If it is directly put forth, there can be a problem, but as has been seen on the previous page about gravity acceleration, this problem does not exist. Besides, the problem could be the dimensions of the current physics constants such as the units of the constant of gravitation, which do not precisely take into account the new effect demonstrating the Equation for Love as well as the Gravity Riddle.

    As strange as the origin of the Equation for Love and the Gravity Riddle may seem, it is independent in the details and both are quite fortuitous, so much so that from the point of view of their origin, they belong to the world of metaphysics.

  • A basic error due to the magnitudes being a vector and not being included in the formula.

    It is true, but that would be solved by drawing a little arrow over the vector magnitudes, as done by the Modern Physics books.

After these observations, which I have evidence that they are well-meaning in the majority of the cases, since it would have been easier to say that perhaps the gravity riddle was important, I have come to the conclusion that the more educated a person is in science, the more reluctant he is to admit General Physics’ big mistakes and especially if they come from the field of metaphysics and not from experimentation.

Of course, they cannot come from experimentation because if the evidence of simple addition or multiplication is not accepted, how are they going to accept possible logical reinterpretations of experiments and known natural phenomena. In other words, the riddles and scientific experiments are reserved.

The Riddle involving the Universal Gravitational constant, Rydberg constant and Planck constant is dealt with in detail in the GigaChron experiment. Now then, I am going to indicate its main elements and its connection to the Equation for Love.

Actually, the Equation for Love does not add anything new mathematically, but it helps the mind to understand the possible relations between several basic constants in General Physics, such as the Universal Gravitational constant, Rydberg constant. Planck constant and speed of light.

However, from the subjective or metaphysical point of view, it allows the expression of some nice ideas. Likewise, the time of love is an inseparable element from life. Time is the fourth dimension and love can be seen as that desire or life feeling while traveling together in space and time.

A trip that, transferred to a mathematical formula, brings us to that love *L* is equal to:

Equation for Love

The most important conclusions of this equation are the following:

  • The Equation for Love could represent the subjective and objective points of view of the physical reality, if one of them actually exists.
  • Love, as an objective meaning of the proposed equation, is formed as a property or physics law that relates the force per unit of mass with the total force along a unit of space or energy.

In relation to gravity acceleration and the Equation for Love, we have to substitute time squared in the Equation for Love with its value in the equation of the relation between energy and mass in Einstein’s E = m c², and in the operation we end up with the Newton’s equation for gravity acceleration, which would be equal to love times energy.

g = L * E

On the contrary, this formula is the same that we would get if in Newton’s equation for gravity acceleration we substitute mass with its value by clearing Einstein’s E= m c² equation.

g = G * (t² / e4) * E

Putting it another way, a relation between acceleration and energy and, in this sense, can be understood as gravity of energy.

The Equation for Love has been the source of metaphysical inspiration or the impulse for seeking the relations between the basic physics constants that puts forth the Gravity Riddle, leading to the new physics experiment GigaChron in order to confirm the essential equality of the Theory of Global Equivalence, since it states the equivalences and relations between the basic magnitudes of Modern Physics.

We have already seen that the unit of Love of one Molwick was equal to *c/G*, and if we keep in mind that *chR* is equal to the energy of the photon given off by the hydrogen atom on the Earth’s surface we are left with the solution of the Gravity Riddle, once the appropriate multiplication is carried out, which is the following:

Relation between the Universal Gravitational constant, Planck constant, Rydberg constant, the speed of light and gravity acceleration

At least one of the constants involved in the riddle contains the information relative to the relation between the Earth’s mass and its radius squared, a rather variable magnitude. Which could it be?

As speed of light and the Universal Gravitational constant seem quite constant in the Solar system, the Planck constant, the Rydberg constant or both should have a different value on the moon in direct proportion to the difference of gravity, that is, 0.165 times that of the Earth.

In short, the gravity riddle shows the existing relation between gravity and the basic configuration of energy that together with the well-known equivalence between mass and energy, E = m c², and the less understood equivalence between the existence of kinetic energy in the form of mass (pulsine), which places us directly in the heart of the Theory of Global Equivalence whose most popular aspects will be, in its case, that time is not relative and space is not squashed nor stretched.

The especial effects caused by gravity within Astronomy will be analyzed in the aforementioned book dedicated to the new Theory of Global Equivalence.

Physics, wrinkles of time and timeline

Physics, wrinkles of time and timeline

Here, the timeline corresponds to the subjective concept that we have seen in the beginning while discussing the theory of time. It is about a timeline of the philosophical nature but trying to situate it within its real dimension and making a possible approximation with the language of mathematical formulas from the relations with love in the generic or universal sense.

Space, time and love are the basic elements of life.

Time is the fourth dimension and of a different nature than the three spatial dimensions being that it makes up the concept of life in the broad sense by being added together with the love for any one of them. I am lost and I do not know where, it must be I am on the right track.

Speaking of poetic licenses and poetry time…

Space and time could be observed as abstract concepts or mental constructions and, in turn, the mind as a construction of love or the final reality.

Love is that desire or feeling of life while traveling together in space and time.

From the Equation for Love it comes about that, when the distance in space is zero or time is infinite, Love is infinite. Seen in reverse, when Love is infinite, then life is eternal.

I believe that love affects subjective time and makes wrinkles in personal timeline, or better said, its speed, or with even more precision, the changes in its speed or acceleration; this is not new in History since Albert Einstein had declared it in order to explain its concept of relativity and relativistic time in Modern Physics. The difference is that it seems that he said it as a metaphor, and I think of it as a reality. I do not see love in any of his equations!

Going back to the prose of science…

We have all noticed the effect of love on the timeline wrinkles, even children have noticed it, or perhaps they notice it with greater intensity. In my opinion, they are not changes in the perception of absolute time but rather real variations or wrinkles of time or of subjective time that make up the personal timeline.

Let’s take a look at some examples that I believe show real and subjective variations of the speed of time and, therefore, the definition of proper timeline:

  • Children

    Children are somewhat accelerated in relation to s, or in other words, their time goes much slower, or their timeline is more curved. To a greater or lesser extent, we all feel that time passes us by more and more quickly and, at simultaneously, we are more at ease with it. As children, occasionally time seems to last almost an eternity.

    I am referring to something that we feel but that we do not manage to comprehend logically because it is one of the mysteries of life, although we are getting closer little by little.

  • Sports

    At times, while playing tennis or a similar sport, it seems as if the player will not get to the ball, but, suddenly, it is as if time stopped and miraculously the person manages to return the ball.

    In this case, the spectators have also perceived something, they do not know very well what, but they ponder: “I thought for sure he wouldn’t get it in the nick of time”; moreover, it is not about the fact that they do not know the player because they repeat the praise every occasion. This example is contrary to that which was mentioned previously, the physical activity does not create a reduced perception of time but the complete opposite.

    The explanation for the player’s situation should consist in that, by means of the change of his subjective time or of his timeline, he will obtain a much greater perspective of each movement of the ball as well as of his own muscles, which makes it so that the player optimizes all of them in an improbable way for a normal process.

    Another element to comment on is that the change in speed of the subjective time or wrinkle in time is accompanied by the unconscious taking control of the movements; the player’s consciousness is, to put it another way, like an observer outside from himself with a reduced power, given that the greater part of it is being directly used by automatic mechanisms.


Physics and wrinkle in timeline

The spectators’ ruminations is due to the same reason of improbability and that in their opinion the process has been normal, given that they have not experienced the variation of the subjective time or timeline of the player. That is, objective time is the same and it is an absolute concept by design.

The figure shows with the timelines how the absolute time or objective time is the same for everyone at all times and, on the contrary, the wrinkles of time or how the individual temporal scale is different. It is as if the subjective time were made up of folds throughout the objective or absolute time. What I want to say is that it is not possible to stretch or make the player’s line straight and thereby placing him in the future of the hit.

  • A glass falls to the floor

    When a glass suddenly moves and begins to fall to the floor, it changes our concentration, our perception of the outside world, it seems that there is only one object moving in the air, we can observe how it moves, as if it were a slow motion movie, it is a beautiful thing! With luck, we can manage to stand up and avoid it breaking. And this, not like in the other example, is called glass love!

    It can be said that our life rhythm has been altered, our perception has been accelerated by the unit of time, time has been stopped or the timeline has been curved; actually, although it is not always equal, they are similar ways of saying the same thing.

    Another way of explaining what happens with concepts of General Physics is to imagine that we are driving a car at 100 km per hour, if we want to focus more on the houses or the trees that are on the side of the road, we can do it by going slower, that is, reducing the speed (space multiplied by unit of time), or increasing the speed of time (time multiplied by the unit of space), given that this last concept is the inverse of normal speed.



2.a) Classic time concepts

2.a.1. The subjective perception of time

Time concept is a very philosophical one since it is perceived differently by each person according to the activity that is taking place and even the state of mind. It reminds me of the basic dichotomy of perception-reality of philosophy that contributes so many discussions, many of which, in my opinion, are completely useless because they place themselves outside of natural logic or indicate a dead end in of themselves.

Moreover, time concept is very much joined to life itself - it is hard to imagine life without the existence of time. Where would we find the origin of life in such a case?

This concept of time could be defined as that which is understood by little children when they are so little that the world is “their world” and they orient time, which is why they think that when they sleep the world is immobile while it waits for them to wake, and that everything should be the same as when they went to bed.

It is obvious that the subjective perception of physical time radically changes. When we are sleeping it is practically inexistent, only when we dream are we at all conscious of the passage of time, but normally we have no idea of how much time we have been in a particular dream.

When we are awake, we also have a very variable perception of time. When we are really occupied it seems that time flies by; on the contrary, when we feel bored it feels as if time slows down.

Another similar effect in relation to the speed of time is produced by the state of mind. It also seems that times goes by quickly if we are really happy, meanwhile, if we have a strong desire for an event in the near future to take place, it seems as if time stops, as if it were trying to go against us.

In short, any activity, whether physical, mental or emotional, significantly affects the subjective perception of time, without us having the means to accurately measure its small variations.

2.a.2. Absolute time concept as an objective concept

All children go through a phase when they develop the objective time concept in order to understand why many events have occurred and they were not aware of them. They simply have been asleep.

In a more general sense, in order to avoid the subjectivity of the perception of time and to be able to communicate and recognize temporal aspects, an abstract concept has been created in which one tries to measure and determine time by means that are independent from the observer: the clock.

The main characteristic of this concept is being an absolute time. It does not depend on any external or internal variable to the individual. It is an abstract concept, perhaps it does not actually exist, but as a concept it is absolute and real like life itself.

For that reason, throughout history, humanity has been developing increasingly accurate mechanisms to measure objective time, ending up with impressive results in the reduction of the margins of error: the atomic clock.

The current definition of a second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between the two mega-thin levels of the ground state of the isotope 133 of the cesium atom, in specific state and conditions. And the definition of a meter is the distance that light travels in a vacuum during 1/299,792,458th of a second.

Consequently, the meter definition is derived from the second definition. If the duration of a second changes, the length of a meter must change to maintain the constant speed of the light as it is explained in the following section.

However, an exact measurement is not possible since all mechanisms will be inevitably conditioned by their own nature, including the atomic clocks. The only perfect clock would be an invisible and abstract clock.

2.b) Modern time concepts

2.b.1. The definition of relativistic time

Modern Physics with Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity provides a completely different time concept, being similar to neither objective nor subjective classic concepts of time.

There is only to know that gravity and speed affect the definition of a second by changing the palpitations of the Cesium atom to realize that the relativistic time is immersed in the very same current definition of its unit, which dates back to 1967.

Time is relative due to the Special Theory of Relativity of 1905 and, subsequently, by the General Relativity of 1916. However, the latter affects time by establishing an equivalence of gravity and acceleration, therefore, with the supposed temporal effects of motion in the Special Theory of Relativity

In order to summarize this section and to finish with the concept of relativistic time, I want to point out that, as it will be explained later on, the relative time that is detected, even in the atomic clocks, is due to a measurement error, corresponding to an error in the very same definition of a second that is perfectly adapted to the prevailing theory in 1967, but not to the concept of the overwhelming majority of the human population.

In other words, the cesian (from the cesium atom, not Julius Caesar) definition of a second of 1967 produces non-absolute time because the cesium is affected by changes in gravity and speed. In this definition, if one were to pay attention to the conditions of gravity and speed in relation to the gravitational field where we find the atomic clock, then the Theory of Relativity would no longer be formally correct. Easy! Isn’t it?

The new concept is fundamentally derived, like the whole Theory of Relativity, from the application of the mathematical formulas in the explanation that was developed about the failure of the anticipated goal of the Michelson-Morley experiment, specifically, from the Lorentz equations.

Mathematically, Special Relativity prolongs time and contracts space while General Relativity, moreover, bends both by affecting the axes of the dimensions.

A more detailed analysis of the Michelson-Morley experiment and the Lorentz equations, given their importance, can be found in the online book of Physics Experiments sustaining the Theory of Global Equivalence.

In this experiment, according to its hypothetical premises, light travels uneven spaces in the same time period. Because of the accepted axiom of the maximum and constant speed of light, the only alternative that remains is to make time relative.

This confirmation is called the postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity; I suppose that it is so that, beforehand, it can conceal its unmistakable concept of being an axiom. Indeed, its second proposition says: “The speed of light in open space has the same value for all of the observers, regardless of its state of movement.”

All of this means a contradiction in terms in which there exists the idea of “at the same time” and multiple “times” depending on the speed (space/time) of the observer. I would say that each observer uses a different measurement of time, but it may be that I do not understand this theory very well.

Of course, with space the exact same thing happens as with time, given that mathematically it is also necessary to alter it in order to be able to maintain the axiom of the constant speed.

If there are any doubts about the previous, they should be resolved in the nick of time if one carefully reads the definition of a meter.

It is just as well that it only has two postulates and that at least something is constant!

Now then, there were other elements used by Einstein in order to establish the Special Theory of Relativity.

Among them, the following can be mentioned:

  • The Maxwell equations of electromagnetism that provide a more accurate calculation of the speed of light and pointed to a maximum speed of light.

  • The Lorentz equations that added certain mathematical complexity and declared that the speed of light was always the same.

  • The relative mass together with the mass-energy transformation of the famous equation E = mc² which are real effects.

  • Interesting references to the subjectivity of time, such as the case of the lovers.

  • Artificial examples about impossible situations, such as the twin paradox, a mirror clock in a spacecraft and limits to simultaneousness by perception such as the case of the train wagon.

Jumping ahead a little of the present confusion, we can say that the time and speed of a small ball or particle no longer depend on the point of reference as long as the measurements are carried out but rather on the speed of the point of observation. That is, a ball can travel with different temporal speed simultaneously and all of them so calmly!

In short, a fair number of bizarre things can occur, and they occur as a result of the excessive philosophical and mathematical influence in relativistic physics.

From an objective point of view, as far as I know not even one object has yet to travel in time nor suddenly appear or disappear due to having a distinct temporal speed.

A significant weakness of relativistic physics is that it does not explain what mechanisms affect the atomic clocks in a spacecraft that result in them becoming desynchronized in relation to their brothers on Earth and, of course, it does not recognize that it is dealing with a measurement error.

What is certain is that the change in the measurement of relativistic time coincides with the mathematical predictions, but that does not take away the fact that according to Modern Physics the clocks are altered by the art of magic.

Interesting! A measurement error that coincides with the theory. Or, actually, a theory that coincides with reality because it has been designed ad hoc - skipping common sense and adjusting philosophy in order to be able to be blessed by the scientific method.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moral of the Movie..................Funny


2) What is moral of film JAB WE MET???


b) aur akela ladka khuli hui tijori ki chabi hota hai

c) on screen chemistry can b bad off screen physics

3) moral of saawariya .....

film industry me youngsters ka koi scope nahi !!!!

4) Moral of jodha.....Akbar

Akbar ko 6 ungliyaan thi..

5) Moral of Race..?????

One can have Se* on Hay also....

6) moral of "chakk de india "


preeti sabharwal is still single :))

7) SHOLAY ka ek aur moral

8) moral of hum dil de chuke sanam:-

bahana banao aur italy ghoom aao

9) moral from Lagaan,
match jitni hai to England ke Captain ki sister ko Patao

10) What must b the moral of...Jodha - Akbar..

Jodha(Aishwarya)..k khaane me NAMAAK KAAM.....

bilkul aapne sasur ji pe gaye hai..
fark sirf itna hai ...wo CHEENI- KAAM HAI..

11) wht is d moral of Baghban?
Valentine's day comes after holi..

Mat khol mere makan ke udas darwaze

Hawa ka shor meri uljhane bada dega

Main khub wakiq hu mere pyaar ki fitrat se

Wo jab dega dard rula dega

Friday, April 17, 2009

What can one say!!

Cancel your credit card before you die.........(hilarious!)

Now some people are really stupid!!!! Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die.

This is so priceless, and so, so easy to see happening, customer service being what it is today.

A lady died this past January, and Citibank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance had been $0.00 when she died, but now somewhere around $60.00.. A family member placed a call to Citibank.

Here is the exchange

Family Member:
'I am calling to tell you she died back in January.'

: 'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member
: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.'

Citibank: 'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.'

Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?'

Citibank: 'Either report her account to frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, or maybe both!'

Family Member: 'Do you think God will be mad at her?'

Citibank: 'Excuse me?'

Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you - the part about her being dead?'

Citibank: 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.'

Supervisor gets on the phone

Family Member
: 'I'm calling to tell you, she died back in January with a $0 balance..'

: 'The account was never closed and late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member
: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?'

: (Stammer) 'Are you her lawyer?'

Family Member
: 'No, I'm her great nephew.' (Lawyer info was given)

'Could you fax us a certificate of death?'

Family Member
: 'Sure..' (Fax number was given )

After they get the fax

: 'Our system just isn't setup for death.. I don't know what more I can do to help.'

Family Member
: 'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her.. She won't care.'

'Well, the late fees and charges will still apply.'

(What is wrong with these people?!?)

Family Member
: 'Would you like her new billing address?'

: 'That might help....'

Family Member
: ' Odessa Memorial Cemetery , Highway 129, Plot Number 69..'

: 'Sir, that's a cemetery!'

Family Member
: 'And what do you do with dead people on yo ur planet???'


You wondered why Citi is going broke and need the feds to bail them out!!

fOrgotten love triagle :: clintOn - mOnica

The Clinton-Lewinsky Saga

In June 1995 Monica Lewinsky, 21, arrived at the White House as an unpaid intern.. During November she began a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton, according to audiotapes secretly recorded. By December she moved into a paid position ferrying mail to the Oval Office.

This picture from independent counsel Kenneth Starr's report to the US Congress shows a letter from Monica Lewinsky to US President Bill Clinton asking to see him after a separation of over five weeks.

This TV grab dated 08 May 1996 Lewinski (R) talking with Clinton at the Saxophone Club at Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC, at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser. President Bill Clinton forcefully denied having sex with the young White House internMonica Lewinsky, as more video surfaced showing him embracing her.

This photo released 27 January by The Washington Post shows an ad in the Post's 1997 Valentine's Day supplement that was reportedly placed by Monica Lewinsky and meant for Clinton. The Post said according to a source familiar with the tapes of the conversations between Lewinsky and friend Linda R. Tripp, Lewinsky told Tripp she placed the ad.

Monica Lewinsky leaves court after testifying before a grand jury investigating US President Clinton.

This video footage shows Bill Clinton (back to camera) greeting a woman who appears to be Monica Lewinsky (center-left) . The flurry of salacious reports had the White House scrambling to cope with what had become the worst crisis of Clinton's presidency.

Monica Lewinsky arrives at the US District Court House in Washington, DC 20 August to testify before a grand jury investigating US President Bill Clinton.. In a television address, President Clinton acknowledged having a relationship with Lewinsky.

Lewinsky leaves the Howard County Courthouse in Ellicott City, MD 16 December, 1999 after testifying in the Linda Tripp wire tapping trial.

Bill Clinton pauses a moment while being asked about Monica Lewinsky at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema in the White House in Washington, DC. Clinton said he hoped Monica Lewinsky would have "a good life" and get any help she might need to recover from the traumatic White House sex scandal.

This video grab shows Lewinsky taking the oath at the beginning of her videotaped evidence, during the impeachment trial of former president Clinton in Washington, DC.

This picture shows US President Bill Clinton testifying in the Map Room at the White House in Washington DC, on videotape before independent counsel Kenneth Starr's grand jury investigating the White House sex-and-lies case. There are more than four hours of videotape and 2,800 pages of testimony containing details of Clinton's affair with Lewinsky.

This undated file photo released 21 January 1998 by the Department of Defense shows Monica Lewinsky

Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky is photographed through a window of a car outside of her attorneys' office in Washington, DC.

Clinton acknowledges applause from the audience of senators and representatives at the start of his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Clinton spoke in front of many of the same Representatives who impeached him, claiming that he committed perjury and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Behind Clinton are former vice president Al Gore (L) and former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R).

Monica Lewinsky during her videotaped testimony to the impeachment trial managers in Washington, DC

US Capitol HIll personnel Erik LeBlanc (R) checks a list as NBC News representative Barbara Rollins (L) picks up a set of taped conversations between Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky at the US Capitol in Washington DC. The 22 hours of tapes on 37 cassettes contain no new information, but give the public its first opportunity to hear the actual details of Lewinsky's relationship with US President Bill Clinton.

Lewinsky looks up as she signs her book, 'Monica's story', during a signing 23 April, 1999 at a book store in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

US Capitol Police escort Diana Schacht (3rd R), counsel for the US House majority and Samra Ryder (2nd-R), counsel for the US House minority, deliver the videotape of Clinton's testimony to the grand jury about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky to the television control room at the US Capitol in Washington, DC.

A beaming Monica Lewinsky signs copies of her book "Monica's Story" in London's Oxford Street on Tuesday 09 March 1999.

Protestors line the street outside the Mechanics Hall where US President Bill Clinton spoke to the Worcester community, MA. Clinton, in his first public appearance since giving his televised apology on an "improper relationship" with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, left his vacation island hide-away to speak about school safety

Protestors line the street outside the Mechanics Hall where US President Bill Clinton spoke to the Worcester community, MA. Clinton, in his first public appearance since giving his televised apology on an "improper relationship" with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, left his vacation island hide-away to speak about school safety

During the impeachment hearing, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr testified about an alleged pattern of obstruction of justice by Bill Clinton in the investigation into his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Jennifer Moorhouse, a Monica Lewinsky look-alike, poses for photographers at Planet Hollywood in Beverly Hills, California, in front of a giant screen showing US President Bill Clinton in the introduction to Barbara Walter's interview with the former White House

This picture shows Monica Lewinsky's dress that the FBI performed DNA tests on.. The tests concluded the genetic markers of a semen stain on the dress matched those of Bill Clinton.

This photo of Clinton and Lewinsky (L) at the White House was part of some 4,800 documents amassed by independent counsel Kenneth Starr and released by the House Judiciary Committee

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